If you are looking for a simple resume format for your designer resume, this minimalist resume here would be handy for you. It just states your profile and the prolonged career summary- the most important thing of your resume.
A Resume Template is an extremely important document which is used in the case when a person or an applicant is applying for a job, a volunteership, an internship, an educational course or any other thing. The resume lists down the tingvarious details about the candidate such as his/her name, address, phone number, email address, academic details, work experience, skills and qualities etc.
If you happen to be job-hunting, then you would very likely be in need of tools like resumes to help you apply for whatever job you want. There are a number of different general resume types so that you have some choices when it comes to choosing what kind of resume you need.
To create a better CV you need to follow a step by step career advice to start it well. Here is what basically a standard CV must have:
Personal information: It is quite essential to include the full name, email address, contact number and address on CV. Also, ensure that they are mentioned on top of the CV.
A statement about yourself: This gives you a scope to tell about yourself and get the attention of the reader. Use this to show your achievements and share your career aspirations too. The trick is that you need to customize the statement to the job description or role.
Work Experience: While writing about the work history, include experiences relevant to the job at hand. Your CV must show you as the best candidate of the lot. If you have less or no experience, think about skills that might help you in the role.
Education: Mention earlier education and educational institutions with a year of attendance and also write about achievements or grades.
Skills & Qualifications: Write about qualifications from either work experience or education which are related to the role.
Interests & Hobbies: Though not necessary, but if you are a fresher and you have less to mention about the experience, you need to write about your hobby and interests too.
References: It is suggested not to include name and contact of references on CV. Always ask permission from a referee before passing on the details to an employer.
How to write a CV?
The career guidance tips is that a CV is basically written in the word format. Often Arial or Verdana font is used.
CV layout
Be clear and precise about your test with bullet points whenever needed. Use proper headings and small paragraphs to allow your recruiter to take a look.
Attributes of a CV layout:
• about two pages of A4
• write CV in Word
• Do not use borders, colors, images, cartoon fonts like Comic Sans.
• Use fonts like; Arial, Verdana or Tahoma and size of 10 or 11 works best.
• Start with your most recent work experience and qualifications first.
• Explain any sabbatical.
• Proofread.
CV writing tips
Here at career advice, wes share some CV writing tips:
- Customise for specific job roles
- Avoid gaps. Or explain them well to your advantage.
- Tell most about your experience.
- Be honest.
- No grammatical errors and spelling mistake.
- Data be specific.
What information to be included in CV?
Personal Statement
Work Experience
Hobbies & Interests
Who would see your CV?
This thing can differ from an organization to another, based on who’s going to recruit. Mainly it would be a hiring manager or a line manager, but each company varies.
If your CV is getting processed through a recruitment agency, chances are that your CV won’t go farther in the hierarchy. Recruitment agencies do the shortlisting of candidates and, only who appears strong candidates are called for interview.
CV is an essential factor to get a job call. So you need to get the perfect CV.